Mugisha- Muntu Loses His Own Poll to Museveni

The Alliance for National Transformation -ANT presidential candidate Maj. Gen. Gregory Mugisha Muntu was disappointed when he called a snap poll in Pader on whether President Museveni should be voted out or not and the voters overwhelmingly endorsed Museveni to continue for another term.

Seventy percent of the voters who participated in a Muntu survey which he called at a rally he held on Saturday, 5th December 2020 at Bus park ground in Pader town council of Pader district voted for Museveni to be endorsed for another term.

Mugisha Muntu had passionately given the voters reasons why Museveni must go which included poverty, corruption and lack of justice but by show of hands, the voters overwhelmingly endorsed Museveni by 70%.

Muntu however, reacted quickly and said the 30% who wanted Museveni out should work hard to convince the 70% to vote against Museveni next January 14th.

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