By Our Reporter
in Mityana
The Minister of lands, housing and urban development, Judith Nabakooba has held a thanks giving ceremony to thank the Lord for leading her through 2022 successfully amidst the challenging times that the year had.
Nabakooba in mass celebration at her country home in Kalangalo, Mityana District on January 2, said despite the challenges in 2022, she was grateful for the gifts of life and service that God gave her. The minister mobilised and brought together people from Mityana, members of parliament, clergy, people from neighbouring districts, and officials from her lands ministry, among others in a thanksgiving ceremony.
Fr John Fisher Kayizzi thanked Nabakooba for not being selfish but open to share the New Year blessing with people around her. This he said is key in showing that she is social and spiritual.
He asked the congregation for reflecting on how they want to spend the New Year and commit their resolutions in God’s hands.
“Front God in all that you do. Love one another , be the kind and above all work hard to develop your homes and country” Fr. Kayizzi advised.

In her remarks, minister Nabakooba asked the locals to use this year to embrace poverty alleviation programs of Emyooga and the Parish Development Model (PDM) and heed to President Yoweri Museveni’s advise in his new New Year’s message to fight poverty .
“In 2023 focus more on what will add value to your development for poverty alleviation. The President has advised on the different farming methods . Please embrace government programs to increase household incomes and contribute to national development,” she said.
The minister explained that she served with all her might in the 10th parliament and she is proud she achieved all she did during her time as a woman member of parliament for Mityana.

“The president saw value in me, picked and appointed me minister. I believe God touched him to give me this appointment that is why I work wholesomely. Let us all work to serve the vulnerable, act fairly regardless of the incomes of the people we serve,” she said.
Standing with her senior colleague in solidarity at the ceremony, State Minister for housing, Persis Namuganza said that their ministry is challenging but with close collaboration with her senior (Nabakooba) they have managed to tackle many land issues to ensure people’s security of land tenure. She commended her for taking the lead to thank God for what she has achieved, something she (Namuganza) said does not come easy.

“Thanking God is not easy, getting a day and you call people to do it is not something easy. She has challenged me to do the same in Busoga. President Museveni encourages us to make friendships with people and not enemies. Let us love each other. Pray for us, the leaders and the government to run smoothly at all times.” She explained that top on their (Ministry of lands) agenda this year is to fight duo ownership of land.
The thanks giving ceremony was attended by among others legislators, Muhammad Nsegumire Kibedi of Mityana North, Sarah Najjuma Woman MP Nakaseke District, Christine Bukenya Ssendawula, Woman MP Kyankwanzi District, Hope Grania Nakazibwe of Mubende, Dr Kefa Kiwanuka of Kiboga and Dr Micheal Bukenya of Bukuya.
In unison, the legislators urged Mityana locals to vote wisely come 2026 to see NRM reclaim its glory in Buganda region.
Editor: msserwanga@gmail.com