Members of the Parliamentary Committee on Science and Technology led by their chairman, Mr. Fred Bwino Kyakulaga have applauded the management of Kiira Motors Corporation and the UPDF Engineering Brigade working through National Enterprise Corporation NEC,for the high quality construction work and progress made at the Kiira Vehicle Plant Site in Jinja.
The MPs who were on an oversight tour of the plant site noted with satisfaction that at 60% completion , the plant was on course to be ready for production of vehicles in Uganda by mid next year . The Committee Chairman, Bwino Kyakulaga and his Vice Mr. David Mutebi were particularly impressed with the high quality construction work being delivered by NEC the business army of the UPDF. The Makerere University based Technology Consult is the firm that was hired to supervise the construction works at the Kiira Vehicle Plant .
“ For the first time Uganda can now demonstrate with pride that our engineers can take on projects of this magnitude and not only deliver quality but also do it on the agreed set timelines- the limited resources not with standing,” Bwino stated .
His remarks were echoed by Mr. Peter Sematimba the MP for Busiro South who said kudos to Kiira Motors and UPDF for showing the world that Uganda has competent engineers with the required skills to deliver a world class vehicle plant the first of the kind in the East African region .
When completed mid next year , the Kiira Vehicle Plant- start up facilities – located at the Jinja Industrial and Business Park will produce 22 vehicles a day and 5,000 a month a dream which the Minister of Science Technology and Innovation , Dr. Elioda Tumwesigye said will be realized now that government has released all the requested for funds for this quarter .
Dr. Tumwesigye thanked President Yoweri Museveni , government and the members of parliament especially those on the Committee on Science and Technology for the support and commitment to ensure that the Kiira Motors Corporation commercialization- roadmap leading up to the construction of the vehicle plant as approved by cabinet remains on schedule .
With the plant up and running , Dr.Tumwesigye explained that Uganda will realise a knowledge based economy with many innovations by Ugandans being developed into commercialized products .
“Building the indigenous Motor Vehicle Industry has great potential to contribute towards the desired economic and social transformation,” the Minister stated. Dr. Tumwesigye said that with the demand for motor vehicles growing at a rate of 11.8% and expected to reach 630,000 motor vehicles annually by 2030 in the EAC, the Kiira Vehicle Plant will save the country USD 450 million annually, the second highest value on Uganda’s Import bill.
The Kiira Motors CEO, Mr. Paul Isaac Musasizi pledged that Ugandans are not only set to drive cars made in Uganda but they will be involved along the automotive value chain to boost incomes , ensure import substitution and promote the export of vehicle products in the EAC markets and beyond.
About Kiira Motors Corporation
Kiira Motors Corporation (KMC) is a State Enterprise incorporated under the Uganda Companies Act, 2012, to champion the development of the Domestic Automotive Value Chain for job and wealth creation in line with Uganda Vision 2040. The equity partners are Government of the Republic of Uganda represented by the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation holding 96% of the initial stock and Makerere University holding 4%.
The Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation is mandated to provide Policy guidance and strategic oversight to Kiira Motors Corporation as well as establish the Kiira Motors Corporation Governance (Board of Directors and Corporate Governance Charter) and Management Structures.
What has been done
Government of the Republic of Uganda allocated 100 acres of land at the Jinja Industrial and Business Park and a seed fund of UGX 143.7billion for a period of four years from the financial year 2018/19 – 2021/22. The money is for setting up and kick-starting the operations of the Kiira Vehicle Plant
The detailed design specifications and Bills of Quantities for the Kiira Vehicle Plant start up facilities (initial installed capacity 5,000 vehicles per annum), were developed and approved by relevant authorities. The Start-Up Facilities include the Assembly Shop and Plant Offices, Plant Circulation Roads, Power and Water Distribution Systems, Waste Management Facilities, Perimeter Fence and Gate Facilities, Drainage System and Whole Vehicle Test Facilities.
Kiira Motors Corporation and National Enterprise Corporation signed a Memorandum of Understanding for Construction of Kiira Vehicle Plant Start-up Facilities-Phase I based on the Force Account Mechanism provided for under Section 95(A) of the PPDA Act, 2003 (as amended). This was subsequent to clearance of the MOU by the Solicitor General. The Kiira Vehicle Plant Site was handed over to National Enterprise Corporation on 18th January, 2019, who deployed security and commenced work on 11th February, 2019. Construction is expected to be completed by June 2021 .
Kiira Motors is headed by Prof. Sandy Stevens Tickodri-Togboa who is the Executive Chairman and Mr. Paul Isaac Musasizi ,the company’s CEO.
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