The Minister of Information Communications Technology (ICT) and National Guidance (NG) Ms.Judith Nabakooba has told members of the opposition to refrain from unlawful demonstrations and protest activities that will endanger the lives of Ugandans especially now when the country if fighting the spread of the Covi-19 pandemic.

Speaking to the Media , Nabakooba said that members of the opposition political parties and some loose groups like People Power  should act responsibly during this when Ugandans could contract the coronavirus if lured into demonstrations .

“We believe as political actors , leaders in the opposition should be following the ministry of Health guidelines and not mobilize people to get into demonstrations . We should all tell people to stay away from gatherings and demonstrations to avoid contracting the coronavirus ,” Nabakooba said.

She warned that government will be ready to deal with politicians who are flouting the set Health Special Operating Procedures (SOPs) to contain the spread of the Covid -19 pandemic that is already reported in communities .

There is political excitement in the country after the Electoral Commission , Chairman , Justice Simon Byabakama Mugenyi released the new revised roadmap for  commencement of various key electoral activities which were suspended three months ago due to a nationwide lockdown and curfew to stem the spread of the deadly Covid-19 pandemic.  

The general elections that will allow Ugandans to choose their next president and members of parliament among other political leaders will still go ahead between January 10th-February 8th,2021 but under strict Special Operating Procedures  (SOPs)  guidelines to contain the spread of the global Covid-19 pandemic.

Justice Byabakama also revealed that all campaigns for the various positions including the presidential, parliamentary and local governments will be conducted digitally meaning that there will not be the usual mass campaign rallies and town hall engagements . It is not clear whether the attendant electoral laws will be amended to cater for the digital campaigns and how exactly such campaigns shall be carried out  and who will foot the bill.

Nominations for presidential candidates will take place between 2nd-3rd November ,2020, candidates for parliamentary elections will be nominated between 12-13th, October 2020 and those contesting for local governments will be nominated between 7th017th September 2020.

The presidential digital campaigns will be conducted between 10th No,vember 2020 – 8th January  2021 and parliament digital campaigns shall be carried out between 20th October 2020 – 8th January  2021.

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