Parliament has set up its Covid 19- National Taskforce that will work with government to oversee the on going response to stem the spread of the deadly pandemic that has left close to one thousand Ugandans dead .

The MPs will also coordinate the overall interventions of the Regional Parliamentary Taskforce Teams.  the Parliamentary Covid -19 Taskforce will be led by Hon. Abdu Katuntu​​-​MP Bugweri County assisted by Hon. Dan Atwijukire​​-​MP, Kazo County, Hon. Agnes Kunihira​-​MP, Workers, Hon. Bernard Odoi​​-​MP, Youth Eastern, Hon. Anna Adeke​​-​MP, Soroti City, and Hon. Dicksons Kateshumbwa ​MP, Sheema Municipality 

Parliamentary COVID-19 Taskforce will be comprised of Regional Teams whose responsibility shall be to oversee the COVID-19 response interventions in the specific Sub-Regions. Regional Taskforce Coordination Team includes – Hon. Dr. Michael Bukenya, MP​-​Chairperson and Hon. Dr. Charles Ayume, MP​-​ Vice Chairperson 

*WESTERN TEAM has . Hon. Dr. Joseph Ruyonga​-​MP, Hoima West Division,​(Regional Team Leader),. Hon. Dr. Elisha Rutahigwa​-​MP, Rukungiri​Municipality,. Hon. Dan Atwijukire​-​MP, Kazo, . Hon. Josephine Bebona​​-​MP, Bundibugyo District,. Hon. Florence Asiimwe​-​MP, Masindi District,. Hon. Dr. Nicholas T. Kamara-​MP, Kabale Municipality,. Hon. Francis Mwijukye​-​MP, Buhweju County,. Hon. Nyakato Asinasi​-​MP Hoima City

1. Hon. Dr. Charles Ayume​-​MP, Koboko Municipality,​(Regional Team Leader)2. Hon. Dr. Samuel Opio Acuti​-​MP, Kole North County3. Hon. George Didi Bhoka​-​MP, Obongi County4. Hon Dr. Lilian Aber​-​MP, Kitgum District5. Hon. Charles Onen​​-​MP, Laroo-pece Division6. Hon. Jonathan Odur​-​MP, Erute South County7. Hon. Ojara Mpenduzi​-​MP, Bardege-Layibi​Division8. Hon. Faith Nakut Loru​-​MP, Napak District9. Hon. Emmanuel Ongiertho ​-​MP, Jonam County10. Hon. Jimbricky N. Ochero​-​MP, Labwor County 

*EASTERN TEAM* 1. Hon. Dr. Emmanuel O. Otalla​-​MP, West Budama​County South​​(Regional Team​Leader)2. Hon. Dr. Patrick Mutono​-​MP, Butebo County3. Hon. Dr. Timothy Batuwa  ​​-​MP, Jinja South​Division West4. Hon. Milton Muwuma​-​MP, Kigulu County South5. Hon. Jonathan Ebwalu​-​MP, Soroti West Division6. Hon. Margaret Makhoha​-​MP, Namayingo District7. Hon. Pamela Kamugo​-​MP, Budaka District8. Hon. J. B. Nambeshe​-​MP. Manjiya County9. Hon. Karim Masaba​-​MP, Industrial Division,​Mbale 

*CENTRAL TEAM* 1. Hon. Dr. Michael Bukenya​-​MP, Bukuya County​(Regional Team Leader)2. Hon. Dr. Lulume Bayiga​-​MP, Buikwe South3. Hon. Nakazibwe Hope​-​MP, Mubende District4. Hon. Pauline Kemirembe​-​MP, Lyantonde District5. Hon. Fortunate H. Nantongo​-​MP, Kyotera District6. Hon. Michael Kakembo​-​MP, Entebbe Municipality7. Hon. David Kabanda​-​MP, Kasambya County8. Hon. Charles Tebandeke​-​MP, Bbale County9. Hon. Joseph G. Ssewungu​-​MP, Kalungu West.
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