By Our Special Correspondent

The Board of Directors of  the National Environment Management Authority (NEMA)  led by Dr  Priscilla Nyadoi have commended the   Kiira Motors team  for adhering to the  environment set conditions and ESIA guidelines at the Kiira Vehicles Plant site under construction by the UPDF -National Enterprise Corporation (NEC) at the Jinja  Industrial and Business park.    

The   NEMA Board and management team while on the tour of the site  noted with satisfaction the strict adherence to the 22 conditions that were set by NEMA at the commencement of the construction works  slated to be completed  mid next year .

A legacy project

Dr. Nyadoi said that the Kiira Vehicles plant should be used as a role model at other government construction sites for its dedication to comply with all the environment protection requirements even when implementing such a huge national project .

“This is a legacy project which must be emulated by all those involved with  similar government  construction projects.  Sustainable development which takes care of all the environment related issues for the good benefit of the present and future generations must be the core stone of all government projects of this nature ,”   Dr. Nyadoi who is the NEMA Board of Directors Deputy  Chairperson stated.

The NEMA team  which included , Prof. Elly N. Sabiiti , Mr. Gideon Badagawa who is also the Executive Director of the Private  sector Foundation Uganda (PSFU) ,Commissioner Julian Kyomuhange, and the Deputy Executive Director of NEMA , Ms. Christine Echookit  Akello were  received at the site by the Kiira Motors Executive Chairman , Prof. Sandy Stevens  Tickodri – Togboa,  the KMC CEO , Mr. Paul Isaac Musasizi  and Eng. Brian Buhanda -the NEC General Manager.

Prof. Tickodri is a happy man

Prof. Sandy Stevens  Tickodri-Togboa who has been at the forefront of advocating a skills oriented education at Uganda’s higher institutions of learning said he was proud of his former engineering students at Makerere University who are now at the helm of major national development projects .   Prof. Tickodri thanked President Museveni for the continued support to ensure that KMC realizes its mission to produce vehicles in Uganda.

NEMA ED calls for reduced carbon footprint

Ms. Echookit Akello, emphasized the need to plant trees and ensure proper drainage at the plant which is set to produce at least 22 buses a day and up to 5000 a year in the first phase of Kiira Motors commercialization .     She called on government to promote the green mobility technologies now being championed by Kiira Motors to bring down the national carbon footprint in the country which is largely being produced by end-of -life second hand vehicles.

Prof. Sabiiti noted that Kiira Motors in partnership with the UPDF NEC have demonstrated  that  Ugandan trained engineers and other skilled workers have the competencies and technical ability to undertake big construction works of high quality .

The  PSFU ED ,Mr. Badagawa called upon Ugandans to tap into the  economic  opportunities that will be created across Uganda’s Automotive Industry  value chain when Uganda starts to produce vehicles on a large commercial scale .

KMC is compliant  

Mr. Musasasizi said that KMC and NEC had obtained  all  the  necessary   approvals   including  the  site  layout  plans  from  the Ministry of Works  and Transport,  Department  of Occupational  Safety and Health (Ministry of Gender, Labour and Social Development),  Kakira Town Council Authorities, Uganda  Investment  Authority,  National  Environment   Management Authority and other  relevant  authorities  before   commencement    of  the   project activities.

He further stated that  KMC is committed to dispose off  all waste including (hazardous and nonhazardous) such as used oil, oil/fuel filters, used tyres, solvents, paint particles, bitumen, Tar, among others which may arise from the different phases of implementation  of the vehicle manufacturing  plant  in an environmentally-sound  manner- in compliance  with  the  National  Environment   (Waste  Management)   Regulations.


Writer is a media and communications consultant And Advocate of the High Court of Uganda

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