KCCA annoyingly silent about potholes exhibition, President Museveni acts

By Our Reporters

Following KCCA’s annoying silence about the on-going public potholes photo exhibition on social media President Yoweri Museveni has swung in action and given the clueless KCCA managers direction on what to do as public anger builds up due to the impassable road network in Kampala city.

President Museveni has now directed that Kampala Capital City Authority (KCCA) give monthly updates on the clean-up, repair and maintenance of roads in the city.

Museveni guided that KCCA should follow the Parish model approach and have at least one Garbage truck for each of the 99 parishes, 10 garbage skips per parish and four (4) skip-loaders per division. He directed the ministry of Finance to urgently release the quarterly contribution to KCCA of UGX6bn for pot-hole filling, repairs and maintenance of roads.

“I have been told only 30% of this money has been released this financial year causing roads outside the AFDB project to fall into bad disrepair with attendant problems of traffic jams. The 41 African Development Bank (AFDB) city roads project will continue for the next four years to improve the city transport,” H.E Museveni said, adding that all cities, starting with Kampala, should have ‘lost and found’ locations and accessible places of conveniences for tourists and this should be replicated in the districts of Kabarole, Gulu, Mbarara, Soroti, Arua, Masindi, Mubende, Kabale and other locations usually frequented by tourists.

The Deputy Speaker of Parliament Rt. Hon. Thomas Tayebwa has directed the Minister for Kampala Capital City Authority and Metropolitan Affairs, Hon. Hajjat Minsa Kabanda to present a statement on how much money the Kampala Capital City Authority has received for road construction and maintenance for the last 3 years, which roads were constructed and maintained using the funds and the current status of each road.

“We have potholes of every design, every size, the beautiful ones, the ugly ones, the deep ones, shallow ones, the wide and narrow ones. They are all in Kampala,  Tayebwa stated .

He added rather sarcastically; “Hon. Linos came to me complaining that some men are no longer functioning properly because their backs are broken because of the potholes. Hon. Cecilia told me that the women are producing prematurely (miscarrying) because of the potholes.”

Angry Ugandans disgusted by the sorry state of roads in the Capital city Kampala are now using their social media platforms to carry out a low key but effective kind of protest – dubbed Kampala Pothole Exhibition..

Deputy Speaker Tayebwa recalled that when he was still “energetic” in opposition protest politics –they carried out a similar campaign .

Now, that President Museveni has spoken we wait to see what the managers at KCCA are going to do to fix the nightmare that has become of the city roads plus noise pollution by the churches in the suburbs .


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