Ugandans called upon to up take huge economic opportunities in Algeria

Ugandan large commercial farmers have been encouraged to forge partnerships with Algerian investors to add value to agricultural produce and export Algeria and other African markets .
The call was by the Minister of Agriculture Frank Tumwebaze as he addressed delegates who attended a three-day Uganda Algerian Trade, Investment Forum and Exhibition.

Frank Tumwebaze noted that Uganda has great agriculture potential due to its good climate with two rainy seasons a year for most part of the country and the availability of virgin arable land that still allows horizontal expansion of production.

Algeria currently imports Uganda’s coffee worth 90 million USD and milk worth 1.6 Billion USD .
Through partnerships Tumwebaze said that Ugandans will benefit by exporting agricultural products .. He added that the Uganda-Algerian Business Forum presents a huge potential to grow & increase Uganda’s production exponentially for crop and livestock enterprises.