Uganda Civil Aviation Authority Calls Upon Drones Operators To Follow The Set Guidelines And Get Clearance For Operations in Uganda’s Airspace  

The Director General of  the Uganda Civil Aviation Authority Mr. Fred K. Bamwesigye , has called upon all drones owners to  seek clearance and  adhere to all the certification procedures  to legally operationalize drone activities in the country.

Bamwesigye was officiating at the UCAA Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS)/ drones guidelines awareness workshop for government ministries ,security agencies , and public leaders that included RDCs that was held  at Protea Hotel in Entebbe .

The drones stakeholders awareness workshop organized by the Uganda Civil Aviation Authority in coordination with members of the Drones Tri-partite Committee comprising of representatives of commander air force , customs and Special Forces Command (SFC)  in conjunction with the office of the CDF, was intended to promote a safe, secure and efficient use of drones in Uganda’s aviation industry .

Bamwesigye underscored the need to sensitize local administrators ,the  police and other security agencies on procedures for drone importation, clearance and certification  to legally operationalize drone activities in  Uganda .

UCAA Director General , Mr. Fred K. Bamwesigye

The UCAA DG said this was particularly important because the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), a specialized UN Agency with a UN mandate to promote the uniform growth and development of international civil aviation across the globe, is encouraging states to establish and adopt procedures to properly regulate the deployment and use of  UAS/ drones .

“ We have laws and regulations that must be understood and adhered to by the drones operators  to not only minimize hazards to persons, property and  aircraft but to meet international requirements and  standards .”

He said that Uganda Civil Aviation Authority  was very cautious about the integration of drones with the existing aviation system in order  not to negatively affect manned aviation or compromise public safety and national security.

Eng. Ronnie Barongo , Director Safety , Security and economic Regulation , said that  UCAA was concerned about the illegal possession and use of the (UAS) Unmanned Aircraft Systems (Drones) by some members of the public which contravenes the Civil Aviation (Unmanned Aircraft Systems) Regulations, 2022.

“The illegal possession of the (UAS) Unmanned Aircraft Systems (Drones) exposes communities to insecurity, threatens aviation safety and leads to interference of privacy rights, Barongo stressed and added that UCAA has embarked on sensitization of the local administration, police and ministries on drone importation clearance and certification procedures.

“This will create awareness and bridge gaps between the Authority and the RDC’s, Police, Ministries who engage with drone applicants in their respective Areas.

“We are planning to come to radio stations in all regions in Uganda to sensitize the public on the drone guidelines and requirements to be approved to import, and operate drones in Uganda,” he added .

Eng Barongo said that regulator will issue a press release in the newspapers requesting all drone users possessing drones illegally to voluntarily register them and fulfill the UCAA requirements on drones use.

“During this registration period, no drone will be confiscated but after this grace period, any drone possessed illegally will be confiscated by the local authorities,” he stated .

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