Ramadan starts on March 23 , muslims advised to observe Taraweeh prayers

As this year’s holy month of Ramadan draws near and set to start on March 23 after sighting the moon, Muslims have been advised to observe communal evening (Taraweeh) prayers as per the Quran teaching.
Taraweeh are the evening prayers performed after Isha prayers every night during the fasting month of Ramadan to praise Allah and keeps people health and fit throughout the holy month .
“We advise people to attend communal Taraweeh prayers daily during Ramadan because they praise Allah and it keeps their body fit and health as they exercise during prayers. Its unhealthy to eat much food as you break your fast and after sit in one place without moving to help food digestion ,” the deputy Supreme Mufti Sheikh Ibrahim Ntanda Muzanganda said.
He said, although the country is not so strict on Covid-19 SOPs, he advised people to come to mosques with their own mats during prayers and those who have flue and cough advised to wear masks to avoid the spread of any air borne diseases.
Ntanda told ugandaupdatenews.com that since Ramadan is the ninth month on the Islamic calendar and it’s a long period of worship and devotion to Allah, Muslims should use it as an opportunity to repent and ask Allah to solve the economic crisis which the country is currently facing and social practices like homosexuality.

“Ramadan commemorates the Qur’an being first revealed to the prophet Muhammad. Muslims should use Ramadan and ask for forgiveness from Allah to solve the problems which the country is facing at the moment such as soaring of commodities prices, poverty and negative social practices,” Ntanda said this recently.
Hajji Ashiraf Zziwa, the Spokes Person Uganda Muslim Supreme Council (UMSC) advised Muslims to continue paying sadaq during this month of Ramadan and support the poor and needy.
Sheikh Haidari Kizza, the Vice Chairman Hear Uganda, a humanitarian organization requested all Muslims to pray for the country during this Ramadan and be saved from homosexuality –since the vice is against Islamic teachings.
He said, they are donating 3, 800 food packages worth (Shs 380m) this year to different people within the country with intent of giving them hope to break their fast during Ramadan.
He says, the food packages have been mainly targeted to the poor, needy, widow and other people who don’t have food due to economic hardship.
“As we go in villages to distribute Ramadan packages, we don’t segregate people due to their religions, tribes or gender. We give everybody since many people have been affected by the COVID-19, don’t have food and yet the scourge is still going on,” he said.
“Don’t wait for your neighbours to die and then give them (Sadaq) food. This is the time to repent and get rewards from Allah by helping the needy, poor and the widows,” Kizza added.
Sheikh Yasir Kulumba, the Secretary for Religious Affairs, Kibuli Mosque advised women to avoid demanding things which their husbands can’t provide since commodity prices have hiked and this might cause domestic violence which spoils their Ramadan.
Night of Power (Al-Qadr)
Kulumba advised Muslims to use the 27th day of Ramadan, which is the night of Al-Qadr, and pray the whole night asking God for rewards, forgiveness of their sins and also ask Him to help us solve the problems of homosexuality and Lesbianism in the country which are contrary to the Islamic culture.
“On the day of Al- Qadr, let’s all of us play and ask Allah to save the entire globe from the effects of financial crisis, loss of jobs , homosexuality and others,” he said.
“Let’s pray for ourselves and the deceased during Ramadan since Allah opens the gates of paradise and closes the gates of hell, and also chains up the devils,” Kulumba said.
This year’s 29 or 30-day fasting period will end with Eid al Fitr on or about April 21 or 22 depending on the sighting of the moon.
Editor ; msserwanga@uganda