After a grueling presidential elections , President Yoweri Museveni has moved to reward many of the NRM cadres that campaigned for him and the NRM flag bearers .

The cadres who include media professionals and were deeply involved in selling the NRM ticket on various media platforms during the heated campaigns -have now been appointed Deputy RDCs in  the newly created cities .

Among those appointed is veteran journalist Mr. Ahmed Katerega Musaazi who has been posted to Masaka City as deputy RDC. Others are Mr .Aine Christopher Mbarara City, Mr.Akintole Muhuuta – Hoima City, Mr Okello Francis Odoki- Gulu City, Mr.Banya Peter- Jinja City, Mr. Webale Robert – Mbale City. 

Others are Mr.Eseru Paul- Lira City, Mr Adomati Dickson- Arua City, Mr.Bindeba Festus (earlier appointed) – Fort Portal City.

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