A 16 Year Old Girl Gives Birth To Quadruplets In Mbale

A 16-year girl has given birth to quadruplets at Busolwe Hospital in Butaleja district .

The mother who cant be named because she still a minor together with her babies have since been transferred to Mbale referal Hospital for better health care .

“My elder brother also had triplets and there are so many pairs of twins in my family,” the child mother said. she was in senior two when she got impregnated by a fellow student .

“I am willing to go back to school. The only challenge I have is that I come from a humble family, yet the father of the children is also not financially stable,” she added

The in-charge of the children’s ward at Mbale Hospital, Dr Julian Abeso, said the babies are in stable condition. She however, advised that it would be good for the child mother ‘s health if she delayed getting pregnant soon because she needs her bones to develop more.


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