As the Covid -19 death toll rises Ugandans have made a mad-rush for Prof. Ogwang Engeu Patrict’s Covidex herbal medicine which he says is effective in reversing the effects of Covid-19 virus in the human body. Prof. Ogwang Engeu Patrick is a professor of pharmacy at Mbarara University of Science and Technology Uganda. He trained as a pharmacist and a pharmacologist with PhD. He says that his research focus is on testing, developing and producing medicines from plants based on traditional medicine knowledge and scientific laboratory evidence. “ I have developed a number of effective medicines including Artavol and Artavoplus for malaria prevention and immune system strength, jenacof for coughs and flue, Jenacid and Jenapep for peptic ulcers, Jena Dm for diabetes, Jena HT for high blood pressure, Jena Sm for sickle cell disease among others all made from medicinal plants,” Prof Ogwang says. He explained that last year when Covid reached Uganda he decided to redesign and repurpose one of his herbal products which initially was for toothache and mouth hygiene for use in Covid 19 because of the strong antiviral effects of the medicinal plants extracts in it. “ Last year around December two of my colleagues in the university got severe Covid with one admitted in hospital and put on oxygen. I gave them the formula which I call covidex and in three days of use they greatly improved and became negative. “This year petronella called me about a colleague who was on oxygen due to covid and she requested for my help. I gave her six bottles which the patient took and again in three days improved and was put off oxygen -later tested negative and was discharged.’ Prof Ogwang added. Prof . Ogwang says last month he decided to study the product more and found a compound that is scientifically proven as able to kill corona virus in laboratory test tubes. “ With increasing cases of covid I started getting many people calling for a solution from me. I then began large scale production and many Ugandans are benefitting now. I will share messages from clients. So even though we are still carrying out more tests -we now know that covidex has a natural compound that stops corona virus from multiplying,” the Ugandan Prof asserted . Prof. Ogwang’s statements about his “magic cure” for Covid-19 has since gone viral and Ugandans rushed to pharmacies to buy the herbal and by Sunday evening it had run out. NDA WARNS However, officials from the regulatory -the National Drug Authority (NDA) said that |
Prof. Ogwang ‘s covidex is not yet officially certified for treatment of Covid-19.” People are using it because of the benefits in Covid-19 and on personal decision. We are still running tests and working out an official plan with Ministry of Health to roll out clinical trials. Infact it’s distribution is likely to be halted because of the issues surrounding it,” an official from NDA who declined to be named told this publication.
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