Uganda Hosts International Society Of Pharmacovigilance Conference For Eeffective Use Of Medicinal Products

Uganda through the National Drug Authority—Uganda is hosting the International Society of Pharmacovigilance (ISoP)  to first to be held on the African continent .

The ISoP conference which runs from July 22 to 24th ,2024 is being held at the Speak Resort Munyonyo .

This is a professional, independent non-profit society, open to anyone with an interest in the safe and effective use of medicinal products and effects of drugs on users in Africa.

The conference has brought together regulators, researchers, representatives from industry and other stakeholders in pharmacovigilance across the African continent.

The meeting which has attracted over 300 delegates  from across Africa is also set to discuss issues pertinent to medicine safety.

NDA Executive Director ,Dr. Nahamya speaking at the conference

“Through the regional and country chapters, ISoP supports management of country and regional specific pharmacovigilance challenges,” officials from NDA explained adding that medicine safety is a global challenge and adverse events from medicine use have been reported to be one of the leading cause of morbidity and mortality. 

Globally, adverse drug reactions have been reported to be the 4th  to 6th leading cause of death.  In Uganda, up to 20% of hospital admissions are as a result of adverse drug reactions.

Dr David Nahamya , the Executive Director National Drug Authority said that the NDA working in collaboration with ISoP Africa chapter has prioritized strengthening of pharmacovigilance systems to minimize risk and maximize the benefit of the various medicinal products used in Africa.

National Drug Authority in collaboration with international regulators has been hailed for detection of the adverse effects in one of the ARV drugs using the National laboratory at Mulago national referral hospital  and reporting to the manufacturer in collaboration with  African member states.


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