President Museveni Has Appointed 11High Court Judges And Six Registrars

As the good relationship between the Executive and the Judicial arms of government continue to blossom President Museveni has yet again appointed another 11 new acting Justices of the High Court of Uganda that will bring the total number of serving judges to 81.
In his communication to the Clerk to Parliament, among the new appointees include Mr. Jamson Karemani who has been the Public Relations Officer at the Judiciary , Ms Flavia Nabakooza, who has been a registrar, Mr Phillip Willebrord Mwaka, formerly of the Attorney General’s chambers, Dr Christine Akello Echookit, Mr Amos Kwizera, Mr David Makumbi and Mr Samson Lwokya.
The others are Mr. Farouq Lubega , Ms. Jacqueline Mwondha, Ms Rosette Comfort Kania, Ms Patience Emily Tumusiime Rubagumya, and Ms Aisha Naluzze Batala.
The appointees will have to be approved by Parliament’s Appointments Committee which is chaired by Speaker Anita Among . The committee will sit on Friday starting at 10am according to a notice sent out by the Clerk to Parliament, Mr Adolf Mwesige Kasaija.
Parliament approved the expansion of the number of High Court judges from 83 judges to 151 in a move geared at expediting the disposal of cases, reduce case backlog now standing at 46,000 (cases that have been in the court system for more than two years) and free-up an estimated Ug.Shs. 8 trillion commercial disputes.
President Museveni also appointed Six Acting Registrars. The Registrars appointed are; Lamunu Pamela Ocaya, Prossy Katushabe, Ereemye James Jumire Mawanda, Simon Kintu Zirintusa, Rukundo Allen Owembabazi and Ayebare Thadius Tumwebaze.
Commenting on the appointment, the Chief Justice, Hon. Justice Alfonse Chigamoy Owiny – Dollo extended his gratitude to H.E The President for fulfilling his promise of ensuring that the Judiciary has the necessary manpower for the efficient and effective administration of justice.
The Chief Justice also observed that filling the manpower gaps will ensure that the Judiciary fully implements its transformation agenda of enhancing access to justice which is already underway.
In regard to the numbers, the Chief Registrar Her Worship Sarah Langa Siu noted that the appointment brings the total number of full Registrars to 12 representing 100% of the approved structure of that category of Judicial Officers.
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