Government has selected the best 45 innovators that will benefit from the UG.SHS 7.4BN innovation fund under the National ICT Initiatives Program (NIISP) also known as ICT Innovation Fund to support and develop a holistic ICT innovation ecosystem .
While announcing the 45 winners in Kampala , the Minister of ICT and National Guidance , Ms. Judith Nabakooba said that the program which was started in 2017 has registered a lot of progress in the Sectors of Education, Health and Agriculture.
“ Some of the successful projects that have been supported include the Academic Information Management System (AIMS) which is currently implemented in all public universities, E-Procurement which is currently being implemented in government to take government procurement online, EDMSElectronic Document Management Systemwhich shall ensure that all government documents and records are digitised and archived electronically,” she stated .
Nabakooba explained that NIISP primarily aims at facilitating growth and development of indigenous software applications. Specifically, she noted, that the program was designed to provide systematic and sustainable support to ICT innovators, to promote ICT products and services for improved service delivery as part of a wider digital ecosystem and to promote local electronics manufacturing and assembly.
The Minister said that government’s investment in the program / project is aimed at ensuring increased employment opportunities for the youth , increased ICT knowledge products in use locally and Internationally; and empower the youth for increased participation in the ICT industry.
“Government is also creating a critical mass of skilled scientists and engineers to drive economic growth and transformation and is increasing funding for research, scientific innovation and product development,” She added.
Application ID Title Description
1 000002037LEVEL2 Eco system for
Telecommuting in
Eco system for Telecommuting in
2 000001765LEVEL2 SANPAY A mobile Application Technology
that empowers Mobile-Money users
to instantly pay for goods and
services by Scanning bills with their
smart phones.
3 0002131C3LEVEL2 My Musawo An app that allows Ugandans to
have immediate access to medical
experts,services,products and
4 0002389C3LEVEL2 The Cradle Online
Early Childhood
Innovation that empowers parents
or primary caregivers with
knowledge and practices about
early childhood
5 0002464C3LEVEL2 COVID19 DATA
Innovation to churn COVID related
data into useful insights
6 0002377C3LEVEL2 GOGP –
Telemedicine application which by
video chat remotely connects those
in need of medical assistance with
qualified doctors
7 0002655C3LEVEL2 Nzani Hub Skills
Platform for
COVID19 Response
An e-learning hands-on skills
platform that provides first ever
hands-on practical skills to young
people and Provide an e-learning
skills platform during and after
8 0002289C3LEVEL2 ZOORA Zoora is a community
empowerment platform for digital
education for VSLAs
9 0002034C3LEVEL2 National last mile
Postal Supply Chain
with the use of
National Postcodes
and Addresses
The innovation provides a national
cellular phone platform
10 000000020LEVEL2 skooldesk A web based platform that
improves proficiency levels in
English, Math and Science.
11 000001777LEVEL2 FolloApp A web and mobile application that
leverages on Ministry of Health
Village Health Teams (VHTs) model
to increase utilization of antenatal
services among pregnant mothers
and health facility deliveries during
and after covid-19 pandemic in
12 000001334LEVEL2 LetsFarmApp Connecting subsistence farmers to
buyers, extension workers and
input providers during and after
covid-19 pandemic through USSD
13 0002371C3LEVEL2 electronic Village
Health Team
An intuitive tablet based
application that digitizes training
modules for Village Health Teams
14 0002705C3LEVEL2 MyBlood App Mobile and USSD code based
application that enables people to
register as potential blood donors
15 000001741LEVEL2 COVidTrace unobtrusive and intuitive app that
records user movement data and
stores it locally on the smartphone
for 14 days
16 0002653C3LEVEL2 FlipPay A payment platform that facilitates
money transfer, merchant
payments, fundraising, and
lending/borrowing among group.
The solution is in the beta testing
17 000001969LEVEL2 Surveillance tracing
and follow up
system for COVID
It helps in automating and
digitizing the identification and
tracing of COVID-10 suspects and
cases as well as their contacts
18 000001989LEVEL2 CAUCUS (Robust
online collaboration
platform )
CAUCUS source code and
19 000001989LEVEL2 CAUCUS CAUCUS maintenance and Support
20 000001965LEVEL2 Government Radio
Single platform two way radio
network to boost effective
21 0002622C3LEVEL2 SCINTL Smart
A home-grown cloud based school
management and e-learning
platform for all educational
22 000001469LEVEL2 Digital Agriculture
Advisory and
Extension Platform
for Food Security
During and After
COVID Crisis
Farmers Call Centre providing
agriculture advisory and extension
services to the last mile
smallholder farmers
23 000002004LEVEL2 DOTSAIDIA
A turnkey ICT based Information
Management platform for all
24 0002701C3LEVEL2 Movement
Website Application
A website which allows the general
public to request for authorization
from authorities to move and
perform essential activities during
the pandemic lockdown period.
25 000002008LEVEL2 Busitema University
Lightboard for
enhanced online
learning of STEM
An innovative e-learning tool
known as the light board enables
the teacher/lecturer to have eye
contact with the learners and
therefore in due processes
enhancing learning.
26 000001264LEVEL2 The Touchless Wash
An automated touchless point-ofhand washing system that uses
digital sound communication to
promote hand hygiene adherence
during use,
27 0002542C3LEVEL2 Tracenode Relief
and Aid Distribution
A crowdfunding solution connects
those in Urgent need of help to
those who can contribute through a
USSD and web application
28 0002620C3LEVEL2 Electronic
Monitoring System
Using smart radio frequency
infrastructure attached to a home
quarantined person to ensure they
stay home
29 000001948LEVEL2 A GIS Based Disease
Surveillance System
for Mbarara
Regional Referral
Hospital GIBDSS
A GIS-Based Disease Surveillance
System -GIBEDSS is used for realtime spatial monitoring and
management of epidemics.
30 000001352LEVEL2 Yukudemy An Open E-learning Platform-OEP
geared towards the sharing of skills
and knowledge.
31 0002660C3LEVEL2 centralized
information portal
Centralizes from information
ministries and parastatals in one
32 0002203C3LEVEL2 Ogaget National
Ambulance Service
Innovation to assist with fastest
access to emergency medical
transport and immediate care that
aligns with the budget of a patient
33 000002038LEVEL2 AccessAble A platform that connects Deaf
people with the service providers
using SL interpreters
34 0002265C3LEVEL2 Cogniware Insights
An open platform for health
ministries and security agencies, to
manage and apply protective
measures such as smart quarantine,
isolation and contact tracing
35 0002484C3LEVEL2 Open Data Portal This portal shall be used to publish
approved Government datasets
from various sectors. The data will
be presented in open and
accessible formats without any
restrictions so that it can be reused
by stakeholders to generate other
innovative products and services.
36 0002719C3LEVEL2 Online Interactive
Learning platform
with inbuilt
learning analytics
An Online Interactive Learning
platform with inbuilt learning
37 000002060LEVEL1 eFikia -web based
Video Conferencing
A web based video conferencing
solution that allows people to
communicate remotely through a
web browser. eFikia simplifies the
process of online meeting and
makes it so easy that anyone can
use it.
38 000001863LEVEL1 Uganda Health
Systems Project
A novel digital innovation for
surveillance of the novel corona
virus disease -COVID-19 pandemic
cases and other emerging and
existing diseases of public health
concern. Our innovation will use
Geographical Information System
-GIS to collect surveillance data
and shared on a platform in realtime
39 000001451LEVEL1 Terra the Robot A physical robot that has an arm
that can lift through 2 feet
vertically, remotely controlled up
to 300 meters away, has two
automated carrier containers, has
a display screen, automatic
sanitizer pump, navigation sensors
like ultrasonic sensors and
temperature, she has two driving
wheels and a support at the back,
and made of acrylic and wood.
40 000001969LEVEL2 Surveillance tracing
and follow up
system for COVID
An integrated system that helps
Ministry of Health to control the
spread of COVID-19 by automating
and digitizing the identification
and tracing of COVID-10 suspects
and cases as well as their contacts,
using mobile phones and locationsbased services
41 0002680C3LEVEL1 Gulu University
Digital Solutions
A digital solution to support the
public services delivery system
through digital education platform
and solutions to support the fight
against Coronavirus COVID19
pandemic in Uganda.
42 0002202C3LEVEL1 Digital Technologies
to fight COVID19 in
Northern Uganda
COMNETU proposes to enhance
national efforts in the fight against
the corona virus and improvement
in the service delivery sector by
deploying her SMS platform.
43 0001489C3LEVEL1 CTI(Call The Clinic
A digital healthcare Application
that leverages telemedicine,
artificial intelligence, data, and a
mobile team of medical
professionals to deliver an
affordable suite of healthcare
products for over-the-phone
infectious diseases or medical
emergencies like COVID-19
44 Victoria University
Mobile App to
Access Vehicle
Security Details
a mobile application which will be
installed on mobile devices
operated by law enforcement
officers to identify whether a
particular vehicle on the road is
complying with the traffic
regulations and whether the
driver’s licence being carried by
the driver is valid.
45 0000154C3LEVEL1 Digital Market Place
for Local
An Electronic Trade Enabler that
eliminates demand and supply
chain bottlenecks by facilitating
manufacturers via a Web-based
platform that brings
manufacturers, buyers and
suppliers together to discover,
collaborate, purchase and partner
to close business dealings
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Innovation is the key to developing economy.
Innovation is a key to developing economy.