NSSF Goes To All Ugandan Doorsteps With 300 Service Centres

While NSSF members continue savoring the recently introduced virtual experiences of transacting using online services that include e-benefits claim, the older mobile NSSF GO App as well as the ordinary mobile sms srvice, the Fund has rolled out yet another convenience – physical service centres near you.
The agency service unveiled this October 20th will enable members to make their transactions at the nearest agent in their neighborhood without visiting the Fund offices.
A partnership sealed with dfcu Bank and the Agency Banking Company -ABC has now put all the banks agents at the disposal of NSSF members to conduct business with the Fund. These are 300 agencies across Uganda!
The accompaniment to the good news is that this will also reduce the Fund’s operational and administrative costs. A financially more efficient Fund is in the interest of everybody, from the individual members to the government and the country at large. For NSSF is the biggest social security provider managing over thirteen trillion shillings worth of assets invested in fixed income, equities and real estate assets in the East African region.
But it is not only the current members to benefit from the convenience of the NSSF office coming to their neighbourhood through the agency. It also means that a peasant, an artisan or anybody engaged in informal economic activity can now access the highest level of financial investment available in Uganda and start earning compound interest on their savings by registering with the NSSF.
With immediate effect, members can now use any of the 300 agents to make their contributions. And soon, the agents will be able to provide range of NSSF services, including even registration for employers, employees and individuals.