Uganda’s celebrated malariologist an icon among the medical profession who mentored many medical students , Dr. Charles Sezi , has died aged 88.
A senior consultant physician who specialised in fighting malaria and at Mulago Hospital for years , taught and mentored many young doctors .
In recognition for his selfless service to the country, President Yoweri Museveni gave Dr. Sezi an award for his contribution towards the fight against malaria in Uganda.
The soft spoken but at times controversial doctor caused local international anger when in the early 2000s suggested that government should review the education policy and sponsor only HIV-negative students to tertiary institutions.
He also called for a mandatory annual HIV-screening for such students so that the scarce education resources are not ˜wasted on HIV-positive student”. He said the measure would restrict the youth from involving themselves in risky sexual behaviour.
At the time ,his ideas met criticism from human rights groups and organisations working in the fight against HIV/AIDS.However , there was an out-pouring of grief among the medical profession when family members announced his passing.
Dr. Sabrina Kitaka said Dr. Sezi was a great teacher, an excellent physician and a true professor of Medicine.” I will never forget his inspiring lesson on Endomyocardial Fibrosis. He was a loving father, husband and grandfather. Dr. Sezi was absolutely ethical and always smart. He epitomized professionalism in health and service above self. We celebrate his life and pray for his immediate family and colleagues. Rest in everlasting peace our great teacher” Dr. Sabrina Kitaka, stated .
Christin Kajeru-Akiiki said , Dr Sezi was a man of integrity and one who would stick to professional ethics. Heaven features it’s best. “He was my supervisor at Mulago Hospital Ward 4A, as an intern. Enjoyed working under his strict supervision, “ Velephi Okello said.