Ntoroko Leaders Want Permanent Settlements For Flood Victims, PM Nabbanja Promises Government Action

By Our Reporters

in Ntoroko

Local leaders in Ntoroko District have asked  government to procure land for the flood victims where they can set up permanent structures to survive the inhumane  condition of living in resettlement camps where citizens  cannot engage in any meaningful productive work to alleviate poverty.

Thousands of Ugandans displaced by floods in Ntoroko due to rising water levels of Lake Albert, in the communities of Kanara sub-county are now in desperate need of government help.

Mr Friday Mugisa, the Kanara Sub-County Chairperson, told the Minister of Lands ,Housing and Urban Development, Judith Nabakooba Nalule , who represented Prime Minster Robinah Nabbanja that his electorate is the most vulnerable community in the area hit by the floods that destroyed houses and farm land .

“Our people are still suffering in the camps and also others are still living in the water logged areas exposed to diseases and hunger .We appeal to the government to provide land to permanently resettle these displaced people,” Mr Mugisa said.

Mugisa was speaking at the belated International Women’s Day celebration organised at Rwangara Health Centre III in Kyamahaigi Village, Kajweka Parish in Kanara Sub-County.

Mr Mugisa also asked the government to rebuild structures that were washed away by the floods including bridges and schools . He reported to the minister that where new bridges have been constructed private contractors where charging the poor residents  money to be allowed to cross on such bridges.

One of the big bridges that were destroyed by floods is the  Kajweka-Rwenyana Kiyanja Bridge.

Mugisa said  that the marine enforcement teams on lake Albert need to be regulated and closely supervised by government because some of them engage in illegal activities . Most of the working population of Kasara are fishermen.

In speech read for her by  Nabakooba, the Prime Minister Nabbanja told the people of Ntoroko that the government was aware about the problem of floods in the area and that is why it has been sending relief items  to the  affected communities .

“We shall continue to do so but you should also plan to mitigate the effects of climate change,” Ms Nabbanja said.

She asked women to embrace government programs as they commit themselves to building a more just equal and prosperous future for all.

“I want to reaffirm the government’s commitment to gender equality and women’s empowerment. Women empowerment is not just a matter of fairness but also to ensure sustainable development for all ,” the Prime Minister stated.

She asked the residents to embrace government programs such as the Parish Development Model (PDM), Emyooga, and UWEP among other poverty alleviation interventions aimed at uplifting women economically.

 She said the government is committed to continue investing in policies and programs that promote gender equality including access to education and health care and provide many more economic opportunities.

In her docket as Minister of Lands, Nabakooba promised the flood victims that the government would buy land to relocated the floods victims and ensure they are  permanently settled .

“Verify that the land is available and make lists which I can take to the prime minister who in turn will  present them president for action ,” Ms Nabakooba said.

Anne Mary Tumwine, Ntoroko District Woman Member of Parliament, thanked the government for extending support to Kanara by putting up a health centre.

She however said they lack the necessary equipment and water to enable expectant mothers to deliver from the facility.

“ Water is seven kilometres away from this health facility. We ask the government to extend water to this health centre,” she said.

She also asked the government to build staff houses for the health workers at this facility saying they move long distances which puts the lives of patients at risk.

Gerald Rwemulikya, Ntoroko County MP, said his area needs affirmative action in the form of roads, health centres, and water.

On the issue of fishing guidelines on the lake, he asked the government to give them the recommended fishing gear or provide them the gear on credit for fishers to comply with the set standards .

Rwemulikya also asked the lands minister to give them the opportunity to acquire land titles from their landlords to exercise full rights on their land as has been the case in other areas.

Chairperson Ntoroko Women’s Council Mercy Betty Tembe said the district is prone to disasters and requested a special grant to solve the challenges people are facing.

She said they have 89 women groups that have been mobilised to benefit from poverty alleviation programs such as UWEP and have received over Shs500 million so far.

Ntoroko District was been hit floods since 2019 after submerging the sub-counties of Kanara, Butungama, and Kamuga among others.

The displaced people are now living in camps under horrid conditions braving cold nights and without adequate basic services like provision of clean water, sanitation and lack of schools among other dire needs.

The tents that were provided by the Red Cross and other organisations have since been destroyed by the vagaries of nature been shattered and now children are studying under the trees.


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